Friday, August 26, 2011

What type of stand did I buy? Is it a shaving , plant or what stand? HELP!!!

Okay, this time I have really stumped myself. I purchased this at the Goodwill this last week. The moment  I laid my eyes on it, I knew it was going home with me! My friend Priscilla thinks it is a shaving stand. I have no idea. Please if there is anyone who can tell me what it was used for and any other information about this stand, give me a holler! It stands about 58 inches tall. I have pictures here to show what it looks like. If it is a shaving stand, they are rare, from what I've been reading. Its shelves are marble.What I thought might be markings, Priscilla believes is decoration only. Those would be found on the front and back of the first arms. I have googled til I'm cross-eyed.Nothing! Please feel free to take a guess, I can always google it. My next move is to get some books on antiques and look up stands until I find a close or exact match.
I'd welcome any ideas.


c. Joy said...

I have no clue what it's called. It is a nice whatever, what ever it is. Thanks for sharing.

LV said...

I have no clue. Whatever it is, it is a most interesting piece. I can see why it caught your eye. I like it too.

bj said...

O, sure LOOKS like an olden shaving stand. It is awesome!
Can't believe someone just gave it to Goodwill. You really lucked out on getting it.
I was going to become a follower but can't find your FOLLOW ME. Come see me when you can.
xo bj

Favourite Vintage Finds said...

Don't know what it is but it sure is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

wowzer....great find! It's a beauty!

Mary said...

Ladies, I want to thank each of you for your comments. My friend Priscilla made a contact and the final opinion is that this is indeed a gentlemans shaving stand.I am now interested in finding out its value.