Thursday, July 19, 2012

Entertaining the thought of paring down......

The sisal rug made a huge difference in the appearance of the room.

As you can see I have a full house. 

I love the green paint on this chair.
Now that we are grandparents, with another announcement just recently. This last week our daughter shared her good news. She and her husband were just beaming.I suddenly realized how many treasures I have all around . Not exactly child proof.  Where do I begin paring down? I changed a rug in my living room and I was amazed at how much a sisal rug calms a room.  I found these 3 chairs this last year and I am really not ready to part with them yet. Decisions, decisions...Maybe I'll start with my closet ..... Ha!

1 comment:

Rose Chandler Johnson said...

I love your sofa and the large mirror above it. The sisal rug looks great in the room. Congratulations on the good news about a family addition. Always a blessing. But! You've got lots of things in your house that aren't child friendly, Mary. Well, now, on second thought, that just means you get to hold those grandbabies in your arms more.